November 28, 2011

About Soi 12, Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok:バンコクのスクンビット、ソイ12について

Sukhumvit Soi 12 has Cabbages & Condoms, a famous western restaurant, and Crepes & Co, the French restaurant. There is a shopping complex called Sukhumvit Plaza including Korean BBQ restaurants and King & I, a reasonable massage spa.

This Soi's Hotel Report : Ramada Hotel & Suites

スクンビット通りまで出る途中には、有名レストランの「キャベジズ&コンドームズ(Cabbages & Condoms)」と「クレープス&コー(Crepes & Co)があります。また、ソイ12の入口には複数の韓国料理店が入った「スクンビット・プラザ(Sukhumvit Plaza)」があるので韓国料理好きな人は是非。同ビルの2階にはリーズナブルなスパ「キング&アイ(King & I)もあります。


Praying for Buddha inside Taxi in Bangkok:タクシーの中でお詣り

Almost Thai people believe Buddhism very much. Some taxi cars has Buddhist sutra on ceiling and so on.

When I got on the taxi from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Amora Neoluxe Hotel Bangkok in the last month, the taxi driver put many Buddha statues on the front.

Approximately, the fee of airport meter taxi is around 280 Baht from airport to the downtown. You need to pay the meter fee ( around 280 Baht ) + the highway charge of 70 Baht + airport taxi extra charge of 50 Baht.

(by Mani)





(by マーニ)

November 27, 2011

About Soi 2, Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok:バンコクのスクンビット、ソイ2について

Sukhumvit Soi 2 has many hotels and serviced apartments but not so many shops and restaurants. But there is a shopping complex in the exit of soi, where Villa Market, a super market, many restaurants and shops are in.

This Soi's Hotel Report : Lohas Suites Sukhumvit by SUPERHOTEL

スクンビット・ソイ2はホテルやサービスアパートメントが建ち並び、通り沿いにめぼしいレストランやショップがないので不便な場所に思われがちですが、ソイの入口まで出れば多くの飲食店やスーパーマーケット(Villa Market)などが入ったプルンチット・センター(Phloen Chit Center)があり、食事やちょっとした買い物に困ることはありません。


November 14, 2011


BEAMS, a Japanese famous clothing company, has released a new brand called " BEAMS LIGHTS " featuring " travel ".

I bought a blue-striped shirt at the shop in Tokyo. A jet needlework on the sleeve, and appliqué of compass or airmail letter, can make me remind the fun of journey.

(by Mani)

BEMASブランドの一つであるBEAMS LIGHTSが、新しく旅をテーマにした商品企画を展開し始めました。


(by マーニ)

November 11, 2011

Southern Patong Beach

Patong Beach in Phuket is a very long and busy. But southern beach near The Bliss South Beach Patong is quiet. When you want something sweet, Pancake mini shops are on the road.

(by Mani)


(by マーニ)