October 20, 2012

オーチャードロードで安食堂が集まるカッページプラザ - Many cheap restaurants at Cuppage Plaza in Orchard Road





In Orchard Road, many shopping arcades and department stores offer many restaurants. But such restaurants are usually swanky. And the price is little bit expensive. Hawker Center is seldom in this road.

So you try Cuppage Plaza.

This building behind Orchard Road offers many casual restaurants. The atmosphere is like food stalls. Don't go to this building with formal clothes. But if you are a solo traveler, or if you want to just drink a beer, these small restaurants are useful. And also, you can eat at many Japanese restaurants, like "Ohsho", a very famous Japanese dumpling restaurant.

Cuppage Plaza is very close from Hotel Supreme Singapore. Many Singaporean visit this building.

カッページ・プラザ(Cuppage Plaza)& 餃子の王将シンガポール店(Ohsho Singapore)
Address:5 Koek Road, #01-10 Cuppage Plaza, Singapore

より大きな地図で カッページプラザ - Cuppage Plaza を表示