The head shop is located in Zhongshan Town. This branch stands in Sìpíng Street. It takes 4 minutes' walking from Beauty Hotels Roumei Boutique. Main menu is a seafood soup like skid dumpling. The taste is very light. And the price is very cheap. When you feel hungry after drinking, a thick noodle soup will be good. This restaurant is open until midnight.
Sìpíng Street has many local restaurants. We want to visit again to feel the local time.
六條通 魷魚羹 四平分店 - Liutiao tong, Youyugeng, Sìpíng branch
Address:台北市中山區四平街55號(No. 55, Sìpíng Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei)
より大きな地図で 六條通 魷魚羹 四平分店 - Liutiao tong, Youyugeng, Sìpíng branch を表示