December 13, 2012

子供を安全に守るために「セントレジズの先端キッズクラブ」:Fingerprint authentication system at Children's Learning Center, The St. Regis Bali Resort

セント・レジス・バリのキッズ・クラブ「チルドレン・ラーニング・センター(Children's Learning Center)」は、単なる託児所的機能だけではなく、子供の才能を伸ばし教育するという一歩進んだ内容になっています。


Children's Learning Center by The St. Regis Bali Resort is one of very unique facilities. It's not just a nursery. Children aged 4 to 12 years can enhance their innate talents through various educational programs like art, music, dance, literature, cuisine and so on.

At the entrance, parents or nanny need to be tested by a fingerprint authentication system for entering.

Both Parents and children can enjoy safely at this resort.